Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

A Merry Halloween, from all of us to you ...

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Cordwood Cats Speak their Minds

Advice from Mouse ...

"When waiting for big game to stalk your way, assume a nonchalant attitude. It doesn't pay to be too eager in your expectations."

.... and Advice from George

"Let yourself go while playing; wild abandon now and then is good for the furry soul."

Friday, October 16, 2009

Billy the Sailor Boy Turns Pirate

Well, it's not exactly the career his mother wanted for him ... but Billy claims that being a pirate is loads of fun --

-- especially for Tricks or Treats on Halloween night.

Billy is currently on Ebay this week, for those curious to see more photos of him in search of Halloween sweets.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

A Few More of our Favorite Things ...

Choosing a few of our favorite fall things is always a challenge, but here goes ...

Halloween Vintage-y Things

There's nothing better than an old-fashioned Halloween ... and no better place to find reminders than old-fashioned Halloween cards. Our friends at Vintage Holiday Crafts (under our bottom "links" list on the right) has some of the best vintage images available for free. Just obey their rules for using them, please.

Our Spooky Friends from the Past
Recalling our favorite cool dolls of old, from the original "Haunted Hollows" series to the "Ghostly Gallows" and "Page Phantoms" well-beloved. Favorites like morbid "Edwin Drood" below still appear in our photo slideshows and online buttons in memory of their original debut.

A Well-Contended Cat

The sight of little George (grown bigger over the last few months), and the other Cabin cats curled up in baskets or stretched out on the porch tables. What better place for a cat to sleep than curled up in a pantry shelf?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Peek-A-Boo Halloween

Who's that strange little pumpkin ghoul peering at us?...

Why, it's only Isabel beneath that paper mask!

Old-fashioned Isabel (and her brother Billy) are dressed up in their quaint Halloween costumes just in time to go trick-or-treating. Visit Isabel HERE (and stay tuned to see pictures of Billy the Pirate soon).


Monday, October 5, 2009

Marie Laveau

Maybe it's the hair ...

or the warts ...

... or is it something in her personality that's keeping her single?

Marie Laveau, in all her vodou glory, is in search of another husband this Halloween, in one of the final sculpted primitive dolls this Halloween from the Cabin. See more pictures of her HERE this week.