Choosing a few of our favorite fall things is always a challenge, but here goes ...
Halloween Vintage-y ThingsThere's nothing better than an old-fashioned Halloween ... and no better place to find reminders than old-fashioned Halloween cards. Our friends at Vintage Holiday Crafts (under our bottom "links" list on the right) has some of the best vintage images available for free. Just obey their rules for using them, please.

Our Spooky Friends from the Past
Recalling our favorite cool dolls of old, from the original "Haunted Hollows" series to the "Ghostly Gallows" and "Page Phantoms" well-beloved. Favorites like morbid "Edwin Drood" below still appear in our photo slideshows and online buttons in memory of their original debut.

A Well-Contended Cat
The sight of little George (grown bigger over the last few months), and the other Cabin cats curled up in baskets or stretched out on the porch tables. What better place for a cat to sleep than curled up in a pantry shelf?