Late at night, early on a weekend morning, rainy afternoons: all are perfect times to watch classic cartoons. The cheesier the better in our book, which is why we stay stocked up on volumes of "Rocky and Bullwinkle" and "Garfield", among others.
Personal favorite? I'd have to say "Rocky and Bullwinkle". But a soft spot remains for original "Pink Panther" cartoons and the lesser-known classic "Inspector" series. Charlie Brown cartoons are a must when chanel-surfing on cable television, as are "George of the Jungle" and the hard-to-find "Grimmy" cartoons occasionally found online.

Disney's classic cartoons are among the greatest -- what could be funnier than Donald Duck and the hapless bear "rug" trapped in a hunting cabin? Or Pluto and the much-hated sweater knitted by Minnie Mouse? Mickey Mouse cartoons (especially those featuring Donald Duck) are unforgettably funny regardless of age.
The best comes last, however -- Looney Tunes. When Bugs Bunny substitutes for the Road Runner, a genius moment in humor is born; as is the bittersweet humor that gives birth to the bulldog and homeless kitten cartoon, the "singing frog" episode that celebrates Warner Bros. classic symbol.
Red Green is great comedy; Fawlty Towers is unrivalled. But no humorous endeavor holds a candle to the cheesy cartoon show when one is feeling blue.