Thursday, September 30, 2010

Spooooky Recommendations!

Check out this and THIS for tips on creating a splendid Halloween pumpkin (after all, it's never too early to start practicing, right?)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Ghost Girl

Even a ghost fancies a little masquerade for Halloween ...

This spooky sight (and her skeletal paper mask) are available on Ebay this week; click the Cheshire Cat on the right to visit them up close.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Skeleton Jangle

Mr. Bones plays a sinister tune. Hardly a need for those bones in hand with those long and knobby fingers, eh?

Click the Vanishing Cheshire Cat on the right to visit him on Ebay this week ... as he serenades visiters with his grim tune.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Chills and Thrills this Fall

First, we visited the Haunted Hollows ... then the Ghostly Gallows ... and Page Phantoms

And now: the big unveiling of our new fall series of sculpted dolls is --

The first doll is ready to make his big debut both here and on Ebay, so stay tuned!