Thursday, November 12, 2009

End of the Season Sale!

Yes, that's right ... it's time for the official Cordwood Cabin Primitives end-of-the-season sale! Not only will there be goodies from various holidays (including a sneaky peak into this year's "Hard Times" handmades) --

-- but it's all for a good cause, too. This year a percentage from each auction will be donated to a charity, including animal-friendly organizations in honor of our furry friends during this hard times.

A Hard Times Homespun Angel
(made special this week)

The importance of supporting animal shelters, no-kill havens, and animal rescue groups is greater than ever, given the difficult economic times which leave many pets homeless, abandoned, or neglected due to financial reasons.

Our own sweet babies, former shelter dog Jackie (and previously homeless George, too) are excited about tonight's listings, which include a set of "Hard Times" Homespun Angel ornies crafted especially for this sale ... and yes, the starting price remains $3.99 for three Christmas ornies, plus low first-class postage for shipping.

(My own favorite Homespun Angel, with her serious little smile)
The Queen of Hearts' Knave is doing back flips in his excitement ... or maybe that's just relief from all that time he spends as a wicket. Dumb royal croquet rules --

-- whoever heard of a hedgehog ball?


Diane at Crafty Passions said...

Thanks for coming by!
Your blog is sweet I loved the End of Season Sale, so many cute articles!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog and complimenting my beaded pins. Coming from another artist I truly consider it something special to hear.
Your blog is always so 'down home' and 'fun'! I have varied tastes and mix my fancy stuff, antiques, et. with prims and if I blend the colors to match, it works!! So I like your creations!