Friday, April 23, 2010

'Tis the Season

No, not Christmas already -- the 4th of July. A season celebrated best perhaps in the world of Primitives,
where Uncle Sam, Lady Liberty, and all our Americana friends feel at home 365 days of the year.

A few of our all-time favorite pieces hail from Independence Day:

Uncle Sam ...

... Teddy Crowsevelt ...

... and, of course, the little Lady Liberties.

Break out the firecrackers, the Roman candles and pinwheels. It's countdown time to the big red, white, and blue birthday.


Tins and Treasures said...

I love the little lady liberties!

Happy Spring ~Natalie

The Moonlit Stitch said...

I'm in the Americana mood too! Love the little ladies! ~*~Lisa