Friday, February 1, 2008

A Tea Party

The Mad Hatter loves having guests to tea...

So Alice joins him at a little table covered by a lace doily, with a just-right-size tea set and cookies borrowed from the dolls who live in the old-fashioned trunk....

Despite the elegant settings, the Hatter continues to check his watch. What month is it again? And does Alice happen to have the year? I highly suspect his watch isn't working at all.

Poor Alice! Her tea cup is already empty! And she's beginning to think those aren't chocolate chips in the cookies, either.
This is all the Cheshire Cat's fault....she should have visited Tweedledum and Tweedledee instead....


Artfulife said...

Hello friends at Cordwood Cabin! Hope all is well. Wanted to let you know that I got my white Rabbit paper today. Thank you so much. I am sad that I didn't win the Mad Hatter, I fell asleep on Sunday and missed the end of the auction. Do you think you will make another Mad Hatter? Can't wait to see what you guys make next, take care and hope to talk again soon.
PS. You asked about what I sew and it is all sorts of stuff. I don't use patterns very often. I just like to make it up as I go. There is a pile of unfinished projects that I have in my sewing bin, and I want to make curtains for the girls room. I also like making little quilts and toys for kids. Soft sculpture is another thing I enjoy. When I pull out the machine this coming weekend I will make you guys a little snow bunny and send it to live at the Cordwood Cabin.

ShellyH said...

Wow! You are very talented and creative! Love the Mad Hatter!